The purpose of newspapers is to inform people what is happening in our world today, both good and bad. Newspapers have obviously been around for a while, and they have changed drastically over the years. Not only did the appearance of newspapers change, but the press has been granted more freedom since the first newspaper was published.
Compared to today's newspapers, the first newspapers were quite different. The first newspapers weren't as appealing to the eye as today's newspapers are. They were very plain and bland, and mainly written just to state the facts. Their advertisements were written out, unlike today where we have pictures for our ads. Our newspapers are a little more exciting than the news papers from over 300 year ago.
Although 300 years ago the government had the authority to shut down newspapers because they were critical of the government, I do not think that our government today should have that kind of power. In Canada we have a freedom of speech (other than consequences applied to hate speech), and we have the privilege to express our opinions, so I believe that the government should not have the power to shut down newspapers due to expressing their opinions.
I think that many newspapers today are not shut down, even though they are critical to government, business' and more, because they have the right to express how they feel about what is going on in our world today. The purpose of newspapers is to let people know what is going on in our world today. I believe that the government does not shut down newspapers, even after being criticized, because of freedom to the press. The press has a right to voice their opinion.
I was very surprised to find out the first newspaper in Canada was in Halifax. It shocked me because Halifax isn't one of the big cities that is in Canada. It is in the province of Nova Scotia, which is also a smaller province. I would expect the first newspaper in Canada to be in Toronto, or Vancouver, or any big city in our country. I think that I expected this because there is a much larger population in the bigger cities, which would give the first newspaper more publicity.